Women’s History Month – Amanda Moore

This March, during Women’s History Month, EquiLend will be featuring Q&As with some of the EquiLend women who are helping to shape our business!

Amanda Moore

Compliance & Risk
Associate Director

Who are the women who inspire you the most, and why?

The world of work has happily given me a lot of very good female leaders to look up to. I’ve learnt a lot from the super multi-tasking women that I’ve been fortunate enough to work with. I would say that my Mum has been a very inspirational person in my world. She worked successfully in a very male-dominated industry whilst also managing to look after a home (which was shipshape at all times I might add!), and simultaneously kept myself and my sisters well and truly on the straight and narrow. I think I’ve implicitly learnt from her how best to do a lot at once, as if by osmosis. I’ve been particularly thinking of her over the last two weeks, as we all work from home without childcare, and as I’ve been adapting to finding new ways to work and be a mum at the same time. I’ve also been in admiration of my two sisters who are self-employed (one of which is also a mum) and admired how they are finding innovative ways to stay on top of it all in current times.

What advice would you give your younger self?

I would tell younger me that there really is no need to worry so much. Essentially, there is nothing so bad that can happen to you that good decision-making won’t rectify. So, on this note, never be afraid of change, as you’ll discover that you’re a lot more adaptable than you think. Human beings can get through a lot more than our modern world leads us to believe we can. Apply yourself to the opportunities that present, and enjoy every minute.

As we’re celebrating Women’s History Month, what advice would you give to any women reading this?​

Always be kind to your future self and so make decisions that you’ll look back and be grateful for. Don’t be afraid to be uncompromising in what you want to achieve, but remember that most things can be achieved by taking many baby steps. If you choose a partner in life, choose someone who is equally as committed to the achievement of your goals. Don’t underestimate what you are capable of. Approach life with honesty, and grab every opportunity. Be kind to others.

If you’ve had the opportunity at any stage to receive mentorship, this is a worthwhile use of your time and a good learning process. I recently took part in the Women in ETFs Mentorship Programme, which I’d recommend. Also, keep in mind that you don’t necessarily need your mentor to be another woman.